Monday, 6 April 2009

Spring Poetry

On most days
to finish reading
a poem is to put the book down and
let the heavy lines
sink through your subconscious,
slip down your throat,
stumble near the heart
to be absorbed by your
spongy lungs.

But when light hits
your morning window
and air
smells of cooking blossoms
you must turn the page and
read on,
the sun awaits you.


ChuckyLuv said...

The contemplative gray has been replaced by blue indeed. I type this as I sit on a train towards Seattle. I'm like the dorky guy who calls from the plane just because he can. Yep, that's me.

Buckaroozachari said...

Your poetry trickles down my throat and goes tobogganing through my guts. I am trying to follow your blog but it is not working for some reason. I shall get to the bottom of this, walk back up to the top, and toboggan down. Whee!

Buckaroozachari said...

Hey Sweet Fairchild of Mine. I've figured how to be a following your site. The sun has come out as you say. I am anonymously checking your blog out. Does this make me incognito or can you see me watching you?

wilberstein said...

I love this!